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memcached 상태 정보(stats)

Memcached 설치 

* memcached stats 정보

memecached 상태를 보기위해 stats 명령어를 사용하는데,
option (settings, slabs, items) 별로 입력했을 때
나오는 결과값에 대한 설명.


> stats
|-----------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------| | Name | Type | Meaning | |-----------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------| | pid | 32u | Process id of this server process | | uptime | 32u | Number of secs since the server started | | time | 32u | current UNIX time according to the server | | version | string | Version string of this server | | pointer_size | 32 | Default size of pointers on the host OS | | | | (generally 32 or 64) | | rusage_user | 32u.32u | Accumulated user time for this process | | | | (seconds:microseconds) | | rusage_system | 32u.32u | Accumulated system time for this process | | | | (seconds:microseconds) | | curr_items | 32u | Current number of items stored | | total_items | 32u | Total number of items stored since | | | | the server started | | bytes | 64u | Current number of bytes used | | | | to store items | | curr_connections | 32u | Number of open connections | | total_connections | 32u | Total number of connections opened since | | | | the server started running | | connection_structures | 32u | Number of connection structures allocated | | | | by the server | | reserved_fds | 32u | Number of misc fds used internally | | cmd_get | 64u | Cumulative number of retrieval reqs | | cmd_set | 64u | Cumulative number of storage reqs | | cmd_flush | 64u | Cumulative number of flush reqs | | cmd_touch | 64u | Cumulative number of touch reqs | | get_hits | 64u | Number of keys that have been requested | | | | and found present | | get_misses | 64u | Number of items that have been requested | | | | and not found | | delete_misses | 64u | Number of deletions reqs for missing keys | | delete_hits | 64u | Number of deletion reqs resulting in | | | | an item being removed. | | incr_misses | 64u | Number of incr reqs against missing keys. | | incr_hits | 64u | Number of successful incr reqs. | | decr_misses | 64u | Number of decr reqs against missing keys. | | decr_hits | 64u | Number of successful decr reqs. | | cas_misses | 64u | Number of CAS reqs against missing keys. | | cas_hits | 64u | Number of successful CAS reqs. | | cas_badval | 64u | Number of CAS reqs for which a key was | | | | found, but the CAS value did not match. | | touch_hits | 64u | Numer of keys that have been touched with | | | | a new expiration time | | touch_misses | 64u | Numer of items that have been touched and | | | | not found | | auth_cmds | 64u | Number of authentication commands | | | | handled, success or failure. | | auth_errors | 64u | Number of failed authentications. | | evictions | 64u | Number of valid items removed from cache | | | | to free memory for new items | | reclaimed | 64u | Number of times an entry was stored using | | | | memory from an expired entry | | bytes_read | 64u | Total number of bytes read by this server | | | | from network | | bytes_written | 64u | Total number of bytes sent by this server | | | | to network | | limit_maxbytes | 32u | Number of bytes this server is allowed to | | | | use for storage. | | threads | 32u | Number of worker threads requested. | | | | (see doc/threads.txt) | | conn_yields | 64u | Number of times any connection yielded to | | | | another due to hitting the -R limit. | | hash_power_level | 32u | Current size multiplier for hash table | | hash_bytes | 64u | Bytes currently used by hash tables | | hash_is_expanding | bool | Indicates if the hash table is being | | | | grown to a new size | | expired_unfetched | 64u | Items pulled from LRU that were never | | | | touched by get/incr/append/etc before | | | | expiring | | evicted_unfetched | 64u | Items evicted from LRU that were never | | | | touched by get/incr/append/etc. | | slab_reassign_running | bool | If a slab page is being moved | | slabs_moved | 64u | Total slab pages moved | |-----------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------|

> stat settings
|-------------------+----------+----------------------------------------------| | Name | Type | Meaning | |-------------------+----------+----------------------------------------------| | maxbytes | size_t | Maximum number of bytes allows in this cache | | maxconns | 32 | Maximum number of clients allowed. | | tcpport | 32 | TCP listen port. | | udpport | 32 | UDP listen port. | | inter | string | Listen interface. | | verbosity | 32 | 0 = none, 1 = some, 2 = lots | | oldest | 32u | Age of the oldest honored object. | | evictions | on/off | When off, LRU evictions are disabled. | | domain_socket | string | Path to the domain socket (if any). | | umask | 32 (oct) | umask for the creation of the domain socket. | | growth_factor | float | Chunk size growth factor. | | chunk_size | 32 | Minimum space allocated for key+value+flags. | | num_threads | 32 | Number of threads (including dispatch). | | stat_key_prefix | char | Stats prefix separator character. | | detail_enabled | bool | If yes, stats detail is enabled. | | reqs_per_event | 32 | Max num IO ops processed within an event. | | cas_enabled | bool | When no, CAS is not enabled for this server. | | tcp_backlog | 32 | TCP listen backlog. | | auth_enabled_sasl | yes/no | SASL auth requested and enabled. | | item_size_max | size_t | maximum item size | | maxconns_fast | bool | If fast disconnects are enabled | | hashpower_init | 32 | Starting size multiplier for hash table | | slab_reassign | bool | Whether slab page reassignment is allowed | | slab_automove | bool | Whether slab page automover is enabled | |-------------------+----------+----------------------------------------------|

> stats slabs
|-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Name | Meaning | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | chunk_size | The amount of space each chunk uses. One item will use | | | one chunk of the appropriate size. | | chunks_per_page | How many chunks exist within one page. A page by | | | default is less than or equal to one megabyte in size. | | | Slabs are allocated by page, then broken into chunks. | | total_pages | Total number of pages allocated to the slab class. | | total_chunks | Total number of chunks allocated to the slab class. | | get_hits | Total number of get requests serviced by this class. | | cmd_set | Total number of set requests storing data in this class. | | delete_hits | Total number of successful deletes from this class. | | incr_hits | Total number of incrs modifying this class. | | decr_hits | Total number of decrs modifying this class. | | cas_hits | Total number of CAS commands modifying this class. | | cas_badval | Total number of CAS commands that failed to modify a | | | value due to a bad CAS id. | | touch_hits | Total number of touches serviced by this class. | | used_chunks | How many chunks have been allocated to items. | | free_chunks | Chunks not yet allocated to items, or freed via delete. | | free_chunks_end | Number of free chunks at the end of the last allocated | | | page. | | mem_requested | Number of bytes requested to be stored in this slab[*]. | | active_slabs | Total number of slab classes allocated. | | total_malloced | Total amount of memory allocated to slab pages. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------|

> stats items
Name Meaning ------------------------------ number Number of items presently stored in this class. Expired items are not automatically excluded. age Age of the oldest item in the LRU. evicted Number of times an item had to be evicted from the LRU before it expired. evicted_nonzero Number of times an item which had an explicit expire time set had to be evicted from the LRU before it expired. evicted_time Seconds since the last access for the most recent item evicted from this class. Use this to judge how recently active your evicted data is. outofmemory Number of times the underlying slab class was unable to store a new item. This means you are running with -M or an eviction failed. tailrepairs Number of times we self-healed a slab with a refcount leak. If this counter is increasing a lot, please report your situation to the developers. reclaimed Number of times an entry was stored using memory from an expired entry. expired_unfetched Number of expired items reclaimed from the LRU which were never touched after being set. evicted_unfetched Number of valid items evicted from the LRU which were never touched after being set.

 * memcahed protocol

memcached 에서 get/set/delete 말고도 
명령어들이 은근히 있다. 

명령어에 대한 상세 설명은 memcacehd 위키에서. 


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